Living in a highly individualized society, my interest is focused on how groups or movements come together and try to sustain themselves. Can we recognize ourselves in the idea of community and dependence? What events stimulate or dissolve internal cohesion? Does the capitalist fabric in which we operate cause obstruction or acceleration of a specific network? 

To describe a social entity, Deleuze uses as an analogy the symbiosis between plants and polinating insects, such as the wasp and the orchid. Here the relationship is 'conditionally obligated' by co-evolution. This is really different from arising from merely 'rational' choices, as we often delude ourselves.

This is the starting point of my artistic work. A social entity is not an isolated unit. There is no point in searching for an 'essence' or an immovable identity. Yet, people are often very conscious of a group's quirks and specifics, especially when there is conflict of interest. In my work different communities are portrayed at both ends of a spectrum, for example: stockbrokers, activists, police, hooligans or security guards, in moments when power relations are tested.

I produce short films, video installations, I write, use photography and sound. These works are speculative, but based on real life events, or personal life stories. By drawing a parallel with the animal, the set of constraints to which we are subjected to becomes more apparent. I enjoy collaborating with fellow artists and people from other disciplines. It's essential to the process.                    


I have exhibited, screened, spoken at: Seoul Museum of Art Storage, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, The Nunnery Gallery London, Rencontres Internationales Paris, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Museum of Yugoslav History Belgrade, Darwin Museum Moscow, Melbourne Art Book Fair, University Art Museum Las Cruces, IMPAKT festival Utrecht, Nederlands Fotomuseum/Kunsthal/TENT/V2_Lab for the Unstable Media Rotterdam.




Feasibility Study: Civic Imaginaries, published by Platform Arts Geelong, curator Sarah Jones / Car Free Road